Students who attend Valley Christian Academy must present a neat, attractive appearance.

Students’ appearance will reflect modesty and decency to promote a learning environment that is free from unnecessary distraction. The safety of our students was also taken into account in the establishment of this dress code.

The following rules will govern the appearance of our students:

● All students will wear solid khaki or navy pants. Knit pants are not permissible. No jeans of any color are allowed. Pants are to be neat and presentable, exhibiting a normal degree of wear. They must be worn properly around the waist, not extending below the shoes. Pants with frays, tears, ragged edges, patches, holes, any type of hand-printed markings, or extreme styles are not permitted.

● Solid khaki or navy shorts may be worn in warm weather. Girls may also choose to wear skorts or jumpers. All bottoms must be appropriate length.

● Each student will wear a Valley Christian Academy polo shirt available for purchase from Land’s End. All polos must bear the VCA logo. A Valley Christian Academy sweatshirt or sweater vest may be worn over a Valley Christian Academy polo shirt in cold weather. Only Valley Christian Academy shirts and sweatshirts may be worn, and no outerwear may be worn in the building. Students are not permitted to wear jackets or coats in the classroom. Cardigans or lightweight sweaters or jackets may be worn as long as they are school colors or neutral.

● Earrings are acceptable only for girls.

  • Hairstyles should be neat and tidy. Boys’ hair should not touch their eyebrows or extend past the top of the collar. Extreme hairstyles (such as mohawks, bright hair colors, and feather extensions) are not permissible.

● No rolling backpacks.

● Fridays will be “VCA casual” days. Students may wear jeans or uniform shorts and a Valley t-shirt. Jeans must have a neat appearance with no holes.

PK 3 and PK 4 have a slightly relaxed dress code that will be provided to all parents. link

Our uniform supplier is Land’s End.

All students in grades kindergarten and up must have one blue polo bearing the VCA logo. Polos must be purchased from Land’s End along with the official school plaid. Other pieces, like khakis, may be purchased from the vendor of your choice. The school or PTF may also have special orders for other school-approved apparel throughout the year.